Bible congregation Venray

English Nederlands


General information

Name: Bijbelgemeente Venray
RSIN: 818979227
IBAN: NL76 INGB 0006219844
KVK: 14127002

Contact information

Visiting address: Kruidenlaan 161, 5803 BV Venray
Phone number: 06-3891SPAM0603


The Bible congregation Venray is managed by the leadership team consisting of elders, supported by three deacons, namely the treasurer, the secretary and a deacon outreach. The elders are elected by and from the members of the congregation for a period of 4 years.

Aims and vision

The congregation aims to:

  1. Be an evangelical church in Venray and surroundings;
  2. Take care of each other;
  3. Introduce Jesus Christ to people who don’t know Him yet;
  4. Bring up the congregation to spiritual maturity, so that the congregation is able and willing to serve;
  5. Glorify God together in our gatherings.

The vision of the congregation is that people individually and the society as a whole will discover the purpose of life through knowing and acknowledging God as creator of heaven and earth. Furthermore, individuals and society will find joy and inner peace in the relationship with God. God reveals himself through his Word, the Bible.

Policy plan

The open services are at the heart of the congregation. The services are held on Sunday mornings in a building called 't Stekske, starting at 10.00 am. After the gathering, which includes time for singing and praying together, and listening to a speaker, there is the opportunity to socialize and drink coffee/tea. The leadership team supervises the various activities and is accountable for these activities.

Reward policy

The local volunteers receive no compensation. The speakers on Sunday morning in the church service receive an allowance plus travel expenses. The fee differs. This depends on whether someone is a speaker by profession (eg pastor) or whether someone speaks while this person also has a regular job. Own speakers and members who perform tasks do not receive any compensation.

Account of the activities

Public meetings every Sunday morning at 10:00 am. In addition, there are special services on Christian holidays.

In the 2022-2023 season: meeting evenings with a number of plenary thematic Bible study evenings.

Bible study circles (Boxmeer, Horst-Hegelsom, Stevensbeek).

A general meeting of members at least once a year.

Initiatives to support asylum seekers in the Netherlands and spreading the gospel overseas (mission).

Planned expenses

Our church congregation provides itself with the necessary financial means to bear the costs of the (public) activities. Bijbelgemeente Venray does not receive subsidies. The financial state of the congregation is accounted for to the members and frequent visitors of the congregation once per year. When means would dry out, this group would be requested to supply necessary means.

The costs mainly comprise of the rent of the meeting room, payment of speakers, and support of people and activities in the domains of care, development aid and proclamation of the gospel.

Short state of income and expenses including brief explanations



Donations and collections € 30.919
Interest € 317


Rent of meeting rooms € 2.150
Expenditure on church services, bible studies and other activities € 8.394
Contribution to overarching denomination € 844
Development aid and mission € 4.270
Work groups € 916
Website, bank costs en secretariat € 429

The 2023 financial year ended with a positive result of € 14.233 completed. That is over € 9.000 more than budgeted and can mainly be explained by an unexpected increase in the donations.

Budget for 2024


Donations and collections € 31.000
Interest € 1.000


Rent of meeting rooms € 2.500
Expenditure on church services, bible studies and other activities € 9.350
Contribution to overarching denomination € 830
Development aid and mission € 5.100
Work groups € 2.500
Website, bank costs and secretariat € 470